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Corner fish tank SHOW STOPPER with built in stand

It’s a showstopper.  Centerpiece.  Talking point.

And you can set it up yourself.  Don’t need a fish tank builder.  Or professional aquarist.

I’m not a professional aquarist.  Hardly.  Had some fish when I was growing up.

Our objective was to create a centerpiece of the room.  Match the color scheme.  Build the room around it.  We wanted a showstopper.

Important distinction; we did not want a fish tank.  The Mrs was very clear.   Fish tanks come in boring shapes.  Have unsightly stands.  Aren’t modern.  Have funky colored rocks.   With plastic plants.

Not fit for a living room.

It’s about a focal point within the room.  Simple.  Sleek.  Modern.  Throw out everything you thought about a fish tank.

It’s a modern look that happens to have fish.

Don’t be fooled.  It needs some love.  Fish are living creatures.  The game changed with Python.  This dandy invention eliminates buckets-siphons-time to clean. It takes 10 minutes.

Python took it from “too much work” to “this can work”.  And it’s amazing.

Click on image to enlarge Python, specs, details

Pick your spot

The corner of the room is ideal.  Corners in the room are hard to fill.  The 90 degree back side fits a corner perfectly.

The front of the tank faces the middle of the room.  It has viewing angles that make it possible to see from any spot.


This tank came delivered directly from the manufacturer.  You can see specs here.

It has everything you will need.  Filters, rocks, lighting, tubing.  All in one.

The instructions are great.  Step by step how to set it up.

This is the tank. Click on image to enlarge, specs, details


This is where you get creative. Think about your room.  What color scheme?  What design elements?

Throw out the plastic plants and think; Modern, simple, elegant.

We went with white rock to match our shutters and couch.

One large driftwood accent piece to match the natural feel of the room.

Nothing more.  Keep it simple.

The driftwood competed the look.

Fish selection

We wanted to go saltwater.  The yellows, blues, reds in a saltwater tank can’t be beat.  Right?

Step forward, Discus fish.  Called the “king of the aquarium.”  The colors and temperament of these freshwater fish are second to no saltwater fish.

You’ll read that they are hard to keep.  And yes, it’s not a goldfish you’re kids bring home from the county fair.

What most are referring to are wild caught from the Amazon.  In the last 10 years Discus have been domesticated.  Adapted to local water conditions.

We had our discus overnighted from Florida.  We were shocked how simple it was to order a live fish online and have it shipped to the door.

The best selection is online.

The best prices on discus are Somethings Phishy Discus .  This is who I used.

A close second is Wattley Discus


So these are living creatures, after all.  They need clean water.  Discus need weekly water changes.

This is where we almost cut bait on Discus.  Until we found this. Until Python.

This is the single best invention for fish keepers.  I cannot under state this.

Cuts time by 80%, no carrying buckets of water, no spills, no mess.

How does it actually work?  In short; run the tube to your faucet, put in your tank, turn the knob to “remove”, and turn on the faucet.  This removes water.  Then take same hose, turn to correct temp, switch to “fill”, and water will fill from the same hose.

I questioned untreated tap water directly into tank with fish.  Treat the whole tank with Seachem Prime and the fish don’t know the difference.

So if your looking for a centerpiece to your room.  Look no further that this fish tank that’s not a fish tank.

It’s a show stopper.