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Get your Christmas tree for free (and help the environment)!


Looking for a free, environmentally friendly way to get your family Christmas tree?  Look no further.

Every year all we hear about is how expensive real Christmas trees will be.  Trot out the reasons; there was a flood in the plain states, it was too dry out west, it was too cold in the north, too hot in the south.  You name the reason.  It explains why your real live Christmas tree is more than it was last year.

And not that you need a reason to buy a real Christmas tree.  There’s nothing more sustainable than harvesting a renewable resource like a tree versus producing a metal and plastic fake tree in a factory somewhere.  So feel good about your decision to go real vs fake.


Now how can it possibly be free?  Look at the tree in the picture.  It was zero dollars.  It’s called an Eastern Red Cedar tree.  It’s been a favorite of families in the central, southern, and eastern US for decades.  It has a great natural cone shape.  It will maintain its vibrant green color throughout the season with water.  And it’s seasonal fragrant smell is second to none.  What you may have not know is that they are over populated un-maintained fields, state owned road property, and many native prairies habitats.  Taking one for your family Christmas helps native grasses, wildflowers, and plants thrive.  Property owners and your state road maintenance crews are generally thrilled when these are removed.

There are a couple ways to find them:

  1. Some cities have programs that coordinate these efforts.  This is one example in Kansas City Mo.  There are other cities that have same.
  2. Contact a property owner with some forestland or grassland.  They’ll appreciate you’re coming out and pulling one out
  3. Drive an hour outside the city and look for an overgrown highway interchange.  Likely there’s a few there.
  4. Land under power lines is required to be free of any trees, shrubs, and hedges growing below.  Look for a power line, especially outside city limits, and you’ll find a tree to harvest.

Start a holiday tradition with your family does the environment a favor….and saves you $ at the same time!